Monday, 16 July 2012

   Wireless access control is now 
   easy, affordable and wire free!   

If you've been hesitating to get access control
installed in your office, you'll be glad you waited

Tired of keys and the lack of security and control that comes with them? Groove Identification Solutions is pleased to introduce our new line of Sargent v.S2 wireless access control solutions! These solutions are engineered with smaller companies in mind. Whether you have just one door or more, access control is now within your budget!

Manage office security
from your mobile phone 

Our new Sargent v.S2 wireless access control solution connects to your building's existing Wi-Fi network, and can make decisions at the door if the network fails. Because there are no wires to run, installation and labour costs are dramatically reduced.

No more software headaches! You now have the choice of either our Hosted or Managed access control service.
Hosted Access Control ServiceThis is the option where we manage your access control system for you. There is need for you to become an access control "expert" using this package. Just send us the change you need to your database, and we will take care of your request 24/7, 365 days a year.

Managed Access ControlIf you want to manage your own access control system, this option is for you.  Our service lets you manage all your cardholders and database changes with a simple web browser. You can control your system with any smartphone, laptop or desktop computer.

Save a full 70% in installation and maintenance
costs compared to the traditional wired system

The Sargent Intelligent WiFi Profile series is a true game changer, enabling you to enjoy savings of 70% or more compared to wired access systems.  When you remove the need of complex and difficult wiring installations, computer and network infrastructure and expensive access control software, It's easy to understand why the cost difference is so dramatic.

Give us a call today at 1-888-940-3645 or email us at to learn more about how easy and affordable it is to get wireless access control at your company.    

Warmest Regards,

Carmen Ritter
Groove Identification Solutions Inc.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

   Are you paying too much  
   for your proximity cards?   
   Shop around to be sure. 
Groove Identification Solutions - Proximity Cards
See this month's video blog:
Prox Cards - Are you paying too much?

(if YouTube is blocked, try this link) 

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm grateful for some of the very positive feedback that I've received about the video blogs so far.  It's nice to know that the information is helpful. I had a request this month to cover the subject of proximity cards - how they are presented, and what the price range is for each type.  It's an extensive subject that would take a lot of information to cover in detail, but we'll look briefly at the 3 popular forms, and we'll look at the pros and cons of each - Clamshell cards, Video Grade cards and Key Fobs.

Clamshell cards, Video Grade cards, Key Fobs

Clamshell cards are the original proximity card prototype; they are durable and rugged, but only printable on one side.  Actually, you can't print on them at all, unless you buy another card called a 'backpack', which is printable and has an adhesive surface that allows you to stick it to the Clamshell card.  The backpack tends to dog ear and separate over time, making this a less attractive solution for businesses that need to personalize their proximity cards.

Groove Identification Solutions - Key FobVideo Grade cards are printable on both sides, so no other card is needed to personalize them.  Although they are a little more expensive than the Clamshells, the cost per unit averages out to about the same price, if you also factor in the cost of the backpack cards.  In my opinion for photo ID applications, this is a far better option than Clamshell, overall.

Key fobs are small and lightweight - a perfect solution for small businesses that do not require personalization of their proximity cards. They are, of course, not printable.

The pricing structure for proximity cards is all over the map, because there is no set price specified by the manufacturers.  Some organizations are aggressive about competitive pricing, while others continue to charge inflated rates for their products. Perhaps you bought your access control system from a supplier years ago, and have been buying proximity cards from them ever since.  It's very possible that you could be paying much more than necessary. That's why it's important for you to shop around for the best price.

Another factor that impacts on the price of your cards is the type of function that they perform.  The possibilities are many and varied.  If you are using HID cards, check the box they came in and note the Job Number, Part Number and Facility Code. That is the info you will need to get an accurate quote from an alternate supplier, such as ourselves.

We have saved some of our clients as much as 50%.  We hope you will give us a call at 1-888-940-3645, so we can try to offer you significant savings, as well.

Warmest Regards,

Carmen Ritter
Groove Identification Solutions Inc.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

All about Groove in 90 seconds!
New catalogue, new website
and a brand new video

Watch Carmen's latest video blog:
All about Groove in 90 seconds
Security is not a commodity

This month I thought I would give you an overview of what Groove ID Solutions has to offer that is unique in the industry.  I have served hundreds of companies in my 26 years in business, and you wouldn't believe the stories I hear from my clients about the things some of my competitors have tried to sell them.  The simple fact is, visual security is not a one-size-fits-all commodity.  Just this month I helped a customer who was paying $8 for proximity cards.  She was pretty happy when she found out that for her situation, cards that cost only $4.65 are perfectly adequate.  That's just one example of the fact that there are as many security solutions as there are different kinds of businesses, and I make it my business to find the particular solution that best matches each of my clients' individual needs.

Unique solutions for unique clients

My video this month is a 90 second overview of the kinds of products and services Groove offers, and the message is very simple: I encourage you to call and discuss your unique situation, so that we can point you in the best direction for managing security in your unique environment.

We are very excited to be launching our new website and catalogue. We understand the challenges you have as a security professional. Ensuring that your identification systems are up to date and relevant can be difficult. We have worked hard to make our new website your source for information on new and upcoming trends in photo badging, visitor management and accessories. Check it out it for yourself:

Contact us today at 1-888-940-3645 to get your free catalogue and sample kit worth over $20, featuring the new line of retractable badge reels, badge holders and lanyards.  Everything you see on and on is either available as a free sample, or in the case of our photo ID systems and printers, as a free one month free trial.

We know you will be pleased with our value and expertise!

Warmest Regards,

Carmen Ritter
Groove Identification Solutions Inc.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Making it simple: the Easy Lobby 
Visitor Management system
See how simple Easy Lobby is to use

Is your visitor log book secure enough?

Many business owners and administrators think that a visitor log book is a good way to maintain security in their facility.  Here's a couple of reasons why it just isn't enough.

Lack of privacy!

Your visitor log book may be putting your guests in danger.  It might seem extreme but let's say that while I'm waiting in line to sign in, I take a fancy to the lady who's filling out her information ahead of me.  When it's my turn, I could memorize her profile and cause a serious safety hazard for her.

Emergency Prepardeness!

Another scenario that many people don't consider is an emergency, during which all occupants are directed to an evacuation post.  As you look through the log book to determine who is accounted for, you realize that there are big gaps in the accuracy of the times that people have signed in and out, and for all you know, even the names could be wrong, or missing.

Easy Lobby solves all of these issues, and more.  The system works with a simple business card or driver's license scanner.  The receptionist quickly scans the visitor's identification, chooses the employee who is responsible for them, clicks print, and a badge is printed that will automatically expire in 24 hours.  It's really that simple, and typically takes about 20 seconds to process a new visitor.

Groove Identification Solutions are proven experts in the security industry.  Please give us a call, toll free at 1-888-940-3645, and ask about our free 30 day trial.

Until next time,

Carmen Ritter

Making it Simple - Photo ID and Visitor Management
Carmen Ritter, President of Groove Identification Solutions takes the mystery out of Photo ID and visitor management with engaging and informative video blogs.